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Completed on: 18 th Aug’19 Trigger point – A conversation over challenges at work with a friend Remember that popular dialogue from 3 idiots ‘ Life is a race, if you don’t run fast you will be like a broken anda *’. In other words, competition is essential for success and for that you need to run as fast as you can (metaphorically) to surpass as many as possible, else you will fall behind and be a prey to mediocrity, worse, failure. No matter how much some of us criticize this idea, most of us, unfortunately, are a part of this race. Imagine us being like horses in this race – may the best horse win and in every race there will be a shining ‘black horse’ who would catch everyone’s attention. Black or white, each horse running in this race has reins around it which is controlled by someone/something so that the horse is focused to run in one straight line and cross over every hurdle without distraction. Each horse in this race is different and unique than the other- one

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